I recently heard about a college professor who uses episodes from the television show Shark Tank for classroom discussions. The class is in the school’s psychology department. The premise is that one of the best ways to study people is to study business.
I love Shark Tank and have followed the dynamic show since its inception in 2009. Created by the same team that brought us Survivor and The Voice, the program introduces potential investors (the “sharks”) with entrepreneurs, who are dreaming the impossible dream in front of millions of viewers. For some, the pairing is magical. For others, not so much.
I tend to agree that business teaches you a lot about people. Here are three observations about successful business owners, courtesy of Shark Tank.
1. Successful business owners anticipate problems and seek solutions. You need more than a great idea. Sharks always ask, “What makes you think people will pay for this?”
2. Successful business owners are diligent in seeking foundational truths about why they do what they do. Sharks ask questions and want solid, tested answers. Miles & Company uses The First Order of Business to help companies find clarity.
3. Successful business owners speak with their employees and customers from an attitude of mutual respect. Viewers may enjoy the antics of Kevin O’Leary’s “Mr. Wonderful” persona, but we all know that customers respond to kindness and professionalism. It’s what we call Shareworthy Service.
As this week comes to a close, we want to again thank you for sharing your time with us as readers of The Daily Blur. We hope our advice and insights help you to be the business owner or organizational leader that truly deserves the title, “Mr./Mrs. Wonderful.”
The post 3 Business Truths Courtesy of Shark Tank appeared first on (Tim) Miles & Company.